This site is Gunny Approved Common Resolve: 6/1/08 - 6/8/08

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Trying Times

Thomas Paine wrote:

"These are times that try men's souls."

Did our forefathers think this would happen?

$9.4 Trillion debt
$400 Billion per year in interest payments
Professional politicians that are in constant re-election mode
Runaway waste and deception
Anything goes to be elected
Nearly as many votes on American Idol as a Presidential election

I could and will go on and on and will on later posts.

The point here is we have lost our way. Political correctness and the flavor of the month have enslaved our country. It is a sad state of affairs that a sense of history over common sense could decide the 2008 election.

I'm not going to sit idly by. 90% of Congress is voted in year after year with no thought of what that vote may mean. It's time for the status quo in Washington to change and that begins with thoughtful, forward thinking votes. The American people need to vote and vote with their head and not their emotions.

We have the power to make these elected officials quake in their collective boots. The question is: Do we have the guts to do it?

I do!