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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Common Resolve Declaration

Common Resolve Declaration

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. More than mere words. 56 brave men signed their names on
the Declaration of Independence in 1776. At stake were their lives and the lives of future generations.

Today we have a similar situation. Instead of the tyranny of British rule, we have the tyranny of
professional politicians spending us in to slavery. The slavery of debt is more insidious that slavery itself in that
debt hides behind different curtains. Curtains of entitlements, earmarks, policy, subsidies and power.

Our children will be saddled with debt and they will pass it to their children and so on and so on...

This is unacceptable!

Politicians are elected to represent the will of the people who elected them, PERIOD!
Our forefathers were non-partisan and put it all on the line for Liberty and Freedom. Their love of
Liberty and Freedom was the only issue, not career politics.

Our elected officials have lost sight of the history of America in their quest for power. Career politicians
whose only agenda is re-election have ignored the same people who elected them. We as Americans must
shoulder some of the responsibility, after all, we elected them.

A new America awaits the brave new souls who have the fortitude to say ENOUGH!
Brave enough to make that vote for a new face in government.
Brave enough to sacrifice for future generations.

We, the undersigned, declare and resolve to take back America.
Take back America with our vote. No longer will we vote on popularity or what's in it for me?
Our vote will be for Americas future generations, for elected officials that no longer want to enslave
it's citizens behind curtains, and for Life, Liberty and Happiness for all.

Paul G. Eberhart

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